Glazing acoustic performance pdf. risk for orange peel.
- Glazing acoustic performance pdf The dynamics of May 1, 2017 · PDF | On May 1, 2017, N. Feb 1, 2017 · Glazing has been studied both as single layer glass [30] and as laminated with or without PVB (PoliVinylButyral) [31] and as primary sample [32]. 82 5. com. Glass size and glazing system will affect STC rating. 0kg/m2 Single glazed acoustic – LamiGlass 7. The STC rating • Factory assembled including glazing • Fasteners / anchors • Retrofit fasteners • Sized to fit any wall thickness • Integrates with all types of construction (drywall, studs, concrete, masonry) • Stackable High-performance acoustic windows to suit a wide range of applications Glazing Options • Laminated Safety Glass • Tempered laminate incorporates an acoustic interlay-er. Branching into timber construction As sustainability and biophilic design receive more emphasis, mass timber projects and timber curtain wall systems will likely see increased popularity. It can also be incorporated into double-glazed units Acoustic performance of Selectaglaze secondary glazing The product range has been tested against single glazed primary windows in accordance with Standard BS EN ISO 140-3:1995 ‘Laboratory measurement of airborne sound insulation of building elements’. In any building type, managing glazing acoustic performance enhances overall quality of life and functionality of the space. Proper glazing thickness and materials can significantly enhance thermal performance, reducing energy consumption for heating and cooling [9]. Sound Trans- Nov 6, 2024 · Further, channel glass can meet acoustic performance goals on both sides of the building façade with Sound Transmission Class ratings up to 44. Premium, softer interlayers specifically designed to reduce sound transmission are also available. For instance, the Moreland Energy Foundation study 34 of 15 typical Melbourne houses, found double glazing gave an average of 8. In addition to acoustic performance, Guardian LamiGlass® Acoustic offers all the benefits of standard laminated glass, including safety, security and UV protection. The answer is not less glass but new glazing materials, such as Saflex® Acoustic interlayers with proven sound-dampening performance. 8 Lam 24 DG 4/4 28 DG 4/6. Census Bureau, noise is the No. See additional notes below data for specific Double glazed – 4mm/16mm/4mm Standard double glazed units with no acoustic glass 31 20. yes, standard and color. 8 The performance data below applies to an insulating unit constructed with two plies of glass and an air or argon filled space. Glass size and glazing system will affect STC rating. Using one of JELD-WEN's sound-reducing glass options allows homeowners much quieter living spaces. Phone: 877-248-8640 Fax: 937-663-0678 Email: Info@IES2000. In order to minimize the noise pollution associated with glazing, the curtain wall was specified to meet a Sound Transmission are little different from ordinary glazing, of similar make-up. Laminate & acoustic glass tested @ 10mm 12mm 10. 8mm & 12. 38mm laminated glazing upgrade. Measurements of the sound insulation of complete windows (glass and frame) may be undertaken to resolve such issues. excellent. Therefore the acoustic performance achieved for the cost outlay was significantly better with the Magnetite system. Choose glass-Cavity-Download performance datasheet in PDF file. . Disclaimer: The acoustic performance data provided in the reports is based on a test protocol or an estimation and may be used if user actual glazing is identical to input data described herein. However, when the acoustical performance of the glass is enhanced, the same does not hold true. pdf), Text File (. This publica-tion discusses these and other glazing features that enhance the TL of glass configurations. IES2000. They offer aesthetic and acoustic performance with options for glass, solid, and door frames. Fig. Estimation of acoustic Mar 5, 2018 · A variety of high performance solutions are available and can be tailored to suit different applications. Since the medium for six field-test sound conditions were single-glazed facades, singleglazed facades were simulated to determine the acoustic performance a façade with a single glazing. For specific or high level noise problems, an acoustics engineer can provide a solution. Double Glazing vs Double Glazing With Laminated Components acoustic performance. 8mm Acoustic rating from dB starting at 34dB ranging to 46dB All RAL colours available plus satin anodised finish Available in both glass and timber door with recessed hinges Ironmongery available to suit all individual demands Manifestation services also available • With Thermawood’s unique retrofit double glazing system, the acoustic seals are machined into the windows, providing optimal noise reduction without having to worry about seals that may fall off when the windows are opened. 5 times over normal glass. 7). pdf. gov January 1999 Approaches to Acoustic Performance Improvement - The naive approach to improving the acoustic performance of a window is to simply make it thicker, of course. Double glazing: 10 - 16 argon - Pilkington Optiphon™ 12,8 Rw = 44 dB; Double glazing: 12 - 20 argon - Pilkington Optiphon™ 8,8 (44. BIM Objects Enhance your digital specifications with our customised BIM files designed for specific glazing applications. 5mm VLam™ Hush achieves the same acoustics compared to 10. 8 Pilkington Optiphon™ 12,8 40 -1 -3 12. Pilkington Optiphon™ – acoustic performance data Glass types Acoustic performance data [dB] Total thickness R [mm] w C Ctr Single glazing Pilkington Optiphon™ 6,8 36 -1 -4 6. May 14, 2021 · Double Glazing Data. Dec 28, 2010 · The document describes the JEB partition systems which provide flexibility in design for office environments. Noise reduction solutions using glazing VIRIDIAN GLASS GUIDE™: NOISE REDUCTION SOLUTIONS 1 - Data based on NOA for Saflex formulation 2 - Safety Glazing impact - 0. On the lower end of the spectrum, other acoustic glazing solutions will begin at around 36dB . All acoustic glass’s can be combined with coated glass’ in insulated glass units in order to achieve both specific U Values and improved sound reduction. The estimation of acoustic performance is based on component-similarity assumptions which E413-87 in an acoustica l wall. The Rw value will increase as the acoustic performance of a window much as 200 mm for optimised acoustic performance, often filled with a heavier gas such as Argon, or the more expensive Krypton and Xenon, for optimised performance. Controlling noise levels impacts health, productivity, and concentration, as excessive noise can cause stress and sleep disturbances. 5k 3. 24kg/m2 Feb 11, 2025 · Acoustic Performance in Windows According to the U. • As a guide when frames are included, the Rw values shown will decline. Acoustic Windows. In this case select a value which is 3-4 Rw points above required total window value for a closer approximation of total window value. 25k 1. 1 complaint people have about their neighborhoods. Consideration should be given to employing their expertise. Accoustic Performance Calculator Primary Window: Crittal 3mm Float Timber 4mm Tough Time 6mm Tough PVC 24 DG 4-16-4 PVC 24 DG 4-13-6. 64 mm used for Class B - Cat I as this is the thinnest product is available in this formulation. IES2000 . 8 Glazing applications where daylight and solar control is needed Grey tinted glass with reduced light Performance of glazing Section details Glazing Acoustic performance dB 125mm overclad single piece hollow section1 8-16-4 52 D n,f,w 125mm overclad single piece hollow section1 4-16-8 54 D n,f,w 125mm overclad single piece hollow section1 6-12-9GH 59 D n,f,w 190mm overclad single piece hollow section2 6-16-9GH 59 D n,f,w Factory assembled including glazing • Fasteners / anchors • Retrofit fasteners • Sized to fit any wall thickness • Integrates with all types of . The STC (Sound Transmission Class) is a rating system for interior building partitions and viewing windows used to categorize acoustic performance. g. performance by any significance. The glass delivers a Sound Reduction Factor (Rw) of up to 54 decibels (dB) in triple glazing and 52dB in double glazing. High-performance acoustic windows to suit a wide range of applications. The OITC (Outside-Inside Transmission Class) rating is used to classify acoustic performance of glazing in exterior applications. The STC (Sound Transmission Class) rating is a single-num ber rating system for interio r build ing partitions and viewin g windows used to catego rize acoustic performanc e. Technical Note_012_Acoustic Performance of Glazing - Free download as PDF File (. The Guardian acoustic assistant is a tool to estimate acoustic performance of different types of glazing. Reduces UV radiation by 99% reducing fading up to 8. Keywords 1= Acoustic, 2= laminate, 3= Sound Control, 4=Safety Glass, 5=Structural Glazing E413-87 in an ac oust ical wall. Analysis of the above graph shows that the secondary glazing increased the performance of test facade by approximately 10dB at the 400Hz third octave band centre frequency and tended towards an increase of 20dB at 4kHz third octave band centre frequency. construction (drywall, studs, concrete, masonry) • Stackable. The process of designing for noise reduction requires measuring the intensity and nature of the target sound, as well as measuring the internal sound level of a building in order to achieve a desired decibel reduction. Selected These measurements are taken before and after the implementation of acoustic solutions. Data is based on testing ~36" x 84" glass to ASTM E413-87 in an acoustical wall. Acoustic performance. 38mm standard laminate, offering thinner glass options with superior acoustic performance. Combining different glass thicknesses and High Performance Glazing Systems: Architectural Opportunities for the 21st Century Stephen E. P2A Acoustic Performance TM of Windows and Curtainwall Some sounds are welcome, other sounds are not - Captured Glazing 2 80 x 80 1/4 1/2 1/4 31 26 INvision Unitized UNIVERSITY OF THE WEST OF ENGLAND ACOUSTIC TRANSMISSION THROUGH SINGLE AND DOUBLE-GLAZED WINDOWS May 2005 Building Services Engineering Laboratory Report A laboratory test report submitted by Kan-chane Gunawardena for the assessment of the Building Services Engineering module, in contribution towards the degree of Bachelor of Arts (with Honours) in Architecture and Planning at the School of There is no specific definition of acoustical glazing, but most acoustical glazing makes use of some combination of polyvinyl butyral (PVB) plastic interlayer, such as Saflex, and an air space between multiple lights of glass. 16kg/m2 Single glazed acoustic – LamiGlass 18. 8 Pilkington Optiphon™ 16,8 41 -1 -3 16. Download (PDF Document | 1 MB) Acoustic comfort in buildings is crucial for undisturbed work, relaxation, and living. This document presents an overview of glass acoustical performance and considerations when specifying glass to achieve specific acoustical objectives. Ball drop performance* Trosifol® Clear / UltraClear. Acoustic glazing units, such as Guardian LamiGlass Acoustic can deliver a noise reduction factor of up to 54dB in their triple glazing units and 52dB in the double glazed unit. User's have the option to estimate the acoutic performance of glazing, find glazing solutions for an acoustic performance, or directly access/view the acoustic performance table. performance glazing can contribute to your future LEED ® project on 12 criteria and be worth up to 45 points. 6k 2k 2. Vue Windows have been designed with acoustic performance in mind and come standard with features such as double silicon compression seals, multi-chambered profiles and all windows and doors can be double glazed. Trosifol® SC Multilayer. Hilton Hotel, London All laminated glass offers improved acoustic performance, however SonicGuard™ has a specifically engineered PVB interlayer that provides a superior level of sound control. 2 Performance of glazing The interaction between the glass and the curtain wall hollow section is important. Films‘ combination. Ideal for offices and meeting rooms requiring a high level of acoustic privacy, Edge Unity can achieve a maximum acoustic rating of Rw41dB in its double glazed form. The desired acoustic performance can be achieved through various product combinations, depending on the specific noise reduction required. An acoustic consultant is an authoritative source of information and advice for analysing and developing solutions to noise problems. Acoustic performance data herein is only applicable for glazing dimensions 1,23 m x 1,48 m (as per testing standard). The STC (Sound Transmission Class) rating is a single-number rating system for interior building partitions and viewing windows used to categorize acoustic performance. This is especially a challenge for designers and engineers developing urban projects along highways, railroads, and airports. 4mm Acoustic Laminate 51 52 53 48 May 1, 2013 · We have revisited this topic by testing single, double and triple glazing with the aim of finding window designs with higher acoustic performance. Triple Glazing Triple glazing units do not always improve the noise reduction in comparison to double glazing, i. type Rw + C Rw + Ctr [dB] [dB] 4-12-6 32 29 4-12-8 33 30 4-16-8 34 30 6-12-8 33 30 6-12-10 36 33 The use of laminated glazing is another way to improve the acoustic performance of windows. Our range of products can achieve sound reduction (R w) levels of even more than 50 decibels. In addition, modern architectural Glazing Acoustic Performance Chart Secondary Glazing 2PHS HU BVS TBVS 2PHS HU BVS TBVS 2PHS HU BVS TBVS 2PHS HU BVS TBVS 6. Jun 23, 2013 · Thus, street and airborne noise reduction up to 40 dBA is possible, with double skin facade having various design interventions. It is also worth noting that Pilkington Planar Structural Glazing panels are butt-jointed with silicone, and because of its relative high density and small area, the corresponding impairment to the overall acoustic performance is negligible. Table 4: acoustic performance of asymmetric glazing. Feb 1, 2017 · Various types of wall and window constructions (curtain walls, Trombe walls, autoclaved aerated concrete walls, double skin walls, green walls, multilayer glazing, vacuum glazing, aerogel glazing and etc. 8 Feb 7, 2022 · Glass mass, asymmetrical insulating glass and multicavity glazing are all popular and effective choices to improve acoustic performance in fenestration design. Pilkington Optiphon™ is a high quality acoustic laminated glass that offers excellent noise reduction without compromising on light transmittance or impact performance. ble the acoustic value of the unit. In this study, single-skin facades are composed of an insulated glazing unit, IGU. Results are used to assess reverberant field in the hall and evaluation of acoustic performance after intervention. The 10 mm Magnetite secondary glazing system with the larger air-gap (150mm) performed generally better than the single 10. by applications Sigco_Lami Brochure_Rev2018. 2) Rw Single-glazed facades contain one glass panel. com Website: www. Sound Control – select the right interlayers for acoustic and optical performance. txt) or read online for free. Hilton Hotel, London The Guardian Acoustic Assistant is a tool to estimate acoustic performance of different types of glazing. Glass siz e and glazing system will a˜ect STC rating. 52mm thick 36 15. Selkowitz Building Technologies Department Environmental Energy Technologies Division Ernest Orlando Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Mail Stop 90-3111, Berkeley, CA 94720 (510) 486-5064, Fax 486-4089 SESelkowitz@lbl. Consult with your framing supplier for further advice. Glazing Options • Laminated Safety Glass • Tempered Acoustic performance classes These classes AR1 to AR6 include sound reduction indices from 25 dB to 38 dB to deal with road noise. The intuitive interface of Calumen ® will help you construct your glazing with ease and thereby finding the different technical performances for your required norm. 8 Secondary Glazing: 6. 3 - Solar, Thermal, Optical and Color data based on 0. Bulletin - The Origina 1. The effect is to dampen the sound at the higher frequency range. are little different from ordinary glazing, of similar make-up. 7% energy saving over single glazing with heavy drapes with pelmets, but because of the high cost of retrofitting, was Table 4: Acoustic performance of independent frames Section details Acoustic performance / dB 125 section6 50 D n,f,w 160 mullion2 54 D n,f,w 170 split mullion with 25mm gap5 47 STC 3. 2) Rw = 47 dB; Double glazing: Pilkington Optiphon™ 8,8 - 16 argon - Pilkington Optiphon™ 12 Rw = 47 dB; Double glazing: Pilkington Optilam™ 12,8 (66. With the right glass combinations sound reduction of up 44dB is achievable. SonicGuard™ is comprised of two or more panes of glass bonded together using our exclusive SonicGuard™ PVB interlayer. The first measure of acoustic performance is referred to as the Sound Transmission Class or STC. The glass mass law states that doubling the mass per unit area can improve sound transmission loss by 6 decibels. Senior secondary glazing brochure. Making a monolithic glazing thicker, however, while providing some acoustic benefit, drives the acoustic coincidence frequency lower (as can be seen from Equation (2) above), 2 GLASS PERFORMANCE DAYS 2012 www. The VIG represents an improvement in lowering thermal emittance to similarly thick single glazing and larger double glazing units. Glass Performance Tables - Single Glazing Core Glass - VFLOATTM CLEAR FLOAT Clear Clear standard glass 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, 15, 19 88% 0. Optic. Glass Handling and Safety Guide . compared to ordinary glass, the new Salex ® Acoustic PVB is a superior solution for architects specifying glazing systems requiring even higher levels of acoustic comfort. A glazing having enhanced acoustic performance, includes at least one transparent substrate including, on at least one of its faces, an array of transparent piezoelectric transducers and a plurality of resonant electrical circuits, each transparent piezoelectric transducer being connected to a single resonant electrical circuit such that the substrate forms a transparent metamaterial. This brochure is designed to show how Saint-Gobain glazing can contribute to these LEED® v4 criteria. Acoustic Windows Product Data Acoustic Performance Data. 52mm Single glazed acoustic glass 7. Spandrel Glass The acoustic performance of Dualspan spandrel panels, may have a small improvement in the higher frequencies, but it is • Aluminum or rubber glazing channels • Suitable for use with modular panel systems or standard construction • Custom sizes available. *OITC is estimated based on this test. S. When specifying laminated glass for sound performance, be sure to also consider acoustic framing or window choices. gpd. • The higher the Rw value the better the acoustic performance. Now vehicle designers are able to choose the best acoustic perform-ance in glazing systems without any risk of safety problems. The unique extruded aluminum profiles can be configured in many combinations and cut on site. MEASURING THE ACOUSTIC PERFORMANCE OF A WINDOW Sound or acoustic performance of a window is measured by the weighted sound reduction index or Rw value. However, thicker glazing might impact the daylighting and acoustic properties of the window, illustrating the need for a multi-objective optimization approach [10]. P2A/P1A. Outdoor-Indoor Transmission Class Assessments carried out by the Acoustic Investigation and Research Organisation Ltd (AIRO) and expressed as the single figure weighted airborne sound reduction index Rw in Decibels (dB) Author Hana Roskova Our insulating glass units are meticulously assembled with two panes of glass, separated by an air space, to ensure superior sound insulation. 7: Classified conditions indicating number of simulations achieved for sealed single-glazed facades In analyzing the acoustic performance of single-skin facades, 12 iterations derived from variables such as glass type and glass thickness. 8 Pilkington Optiphon™ 10,8 38 -1 -3 10. Rw values are determined by measuring the reduction in dB achieved where a window is used to insulate against a sound source. Two common acoustical rating systems are: Sound Transmission Class Rating (STC) – applicable to interior building partitions and viewing windows where the sound source is human speech and/or office equipment. Salex Acoustic is an advanced, three-layer system designed to decouple and disseminate sound waves for superior sound dampening performance. An additional advantage of the three-layer acoustic interlayer is that Acoustic Glazing Sound-Control PVB films offer outstanding sound attenuation properties, achieving improvements in sound insulation of up to 3 dB. This metric measures the sound levels for interior building partitions where the main sounds are people talking or office equipment. St. Enhancing Acoustic Performance with appropriate Glass Usage of Thicker Glass Asymmetrical Double Glazing 10 20 30 40 50 100 160 250 400 630 0 0 0 0 Frequency Jan 29, 2020 · Request PDF | On Jan 29, 2020, Erdem CUCE published Optical, acoustic and thermal performance assessment of semi-transparent amorphous silicon PV glazing systems | Find, read and cite all the Acoustic Glazing - Sound Control; Acoustic Glazing pdf. frame design, frame material, glazing material/method, mounting method, air tightness, etc. Conlan published The acoustic performance of flanking paths for curtain walling systems | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate a solution to a noise problem. This level of noise reduction cannot be achieved by mono-layer acoustic films. Some of the considerations when specifying acoustical glazing include occupancy conditions, the type of anticipated noise, applicability of the acoustic performance rating system, and The performance data below applies to laminated glass units constructed with two plies of glass and an interlayer. Durability and fitness for purpose The document provides acoustic performance data tables for insulating glass, triple insulating glass, monolithic glass, and laminated glass constructions. Laminated glazing is made up of glass The Guardian acoustic assistant is a tool to estimate acoustic performance of different types of glazing. 76 mm clear Saflex Acoustic PVB interlayer with clear nominal 3 mm glass. [Sharaf F. They can also be combined with other Pilkington products for a multi-functional noise-reduction monolithic glass If you want to find the technical performance such as the light, thermal, or acoustic values etc. some. May 1, 2013 · Request PDF | Acoustic behavior of high acoustic performance window glazing | Urban development has led to increased traffic noise within cities in recent years. Nov 26, 2009 · PDF | Sound transmission through windows, especially equipped with low acoustic performance glazing units, represents a major acoustic contributor to | Find, read and cite all the research you SSG is an aluminium secondary glazing system for improved thermal and acoustic performance. *OITC is estimate d base d on this test. 8 Pilkington Optiphon™ 8,8 37 0 -2 8. 3 MB. great good. 40, 41 On the other hand, the examined site is within 60 dB noise Incorporation of them into windows may cause changes in acoustic performance as a result of other influences, e. 2) - 20 argon - Pilkington Optiphon™ 12,8 (66. It includes the Sound Transmission Class (STC) rating and Outside-Inside Transmission Class (OITC) rating, as well as sound transmission loss data across a range of frequencies, for various glass makeups and thicknesses. With the Guardian Glass Acoustic Assistant, users have the option to estimate the acoustic performance of glazing, find glazing solutions to meet an acoustic performance, or directly view the list of acoustic performance related to various glazing types. 8 All glazing applications GREY FLOAT Grey 4, 5, 6, 10, 12 42% 0. The desired acoustic performance can be achieved through combining various thicknesses of glass with a special PVB (polyvinylbutyral) interlayer. Figure 4 also shows the STL of a similar size glass panel of much superior performance, with and 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 100 125 160 200 250 315 400 500 630 800 1k 1. Paris, Ohio. ) are used for a building’s envelope in order to ensure an appropriate sound insulation [8,15–25]. Property. Except for the acoustic properties, light properties, energy properties, thermal properties, safety properties, and even thickness & weight included in the file. 6. LEED® Rating LEED® ranking LEED® points Certified 40-49 Silver 50-59 Gold 60-79 standard double glazing with the same glazing thickness (table 4). Parameters that influence the acoustic performance of glass are addressed, including the area, the type of glazing, thickness of the air-gap and the introduction of absorbing material around the edge. An Approach to Improve Acoustic Performance in Multipurpose Halls. The acoustic engineer assesses the level and types of noise affecting the building and specifies the appropriate acoustic performance requirements. This is a positive contribution to the overall rating of the three different configurations and this gives results of Rw from 35 to 36 to 38. , use the Configure your glazing feature of Calumen ®. The in-field experimental characterization of granular aerogel glazing system through integrated thermal-energy, acoustic, and lighting measurements showed that the use of such aerogel glazing system could represent an effective passive solution contributing to the reduction of heating load and the improvement of indoor thermal performance in Nov 1, 2014 · In the mid-2010s, Berardi developed a monolithic aerogel glazing unit for a retrofitting application [26]; Buratti and co-workers investigated the thermal, optical, and acoustic performance of advanced glazing, usually double glazing, range from 9% to up to 24%. “Due to the acoustic challenges they can present, it’s very rare to have large window views and a plentiful amount of natural light in performance and rehearsal spaces,” said project architect Stephen Van Dyck. indd 2 1/13/19 3:57 PM Selectaglaze secondary glazing benefits brochures and product guide catalogue as PDF downloads or you can request a paper copy Brochures Selectaglaze has produced a number of brochures to assist with inspiration for projects by way of the case study book, a detailed product catalogue and performance figures in the Product guide, as well as a PERFORMANCE DATA Acoustic Glass A proven, superior alternative to standard glazing - Walshs Glass’ Acoustic Laminate can be used across a wide range of internal and external applications, and in environments where external noise can be problematic such as homes, offices, and hospitals. Search for suitable solutions based on glazing parameters and acoustic requirements. By downloading any Bulletin Blast performance 1000 KB. fi “Acoustic Interlayers for Laminated Glass – What makes them different and how to estimate performance” Julia Schimmelpenningh Global Applications Manager – Architectural Advanced Interlayers - Solutia Inc. risk for orange peel. performance of doors, partitions, windows, skylights, and vertical wall glazing systems. e. acoustic performance of a façade with single-glazing (Fig. Isolating specific noises to be targeted with acoustic glazing remains difficult. As the world´s only supplier of mono- and multi-layer PVB, Kuraray can help you customize your sound insulation levels. The hugely popular Edge Unity door is a framed single or double glazed acoustic glass door which offers excellent acoustic performance. We’ve put together this handy tool to help you calculate, in real terms, how much you will benefit from our Secondary Glazing’s improved Acoustic Performance. All of the acoustic glass’s stocked by N&C are manufactured using a PVB interlayer, and as such all are safety rated for impact to BS EN 14449. 15k 4k Sound Transmission Loss(dB Sep 15, 2022 · The calculations mean that when 10dB is observed, this reduces the noise by 50%, while 40dB will result in a 94% drop, demonstrating how effective double glazing and triple glazing are in your home. • Butt jointed glazing options available • Supplied in a white primed finish as standard PERFORMANCE • Fire rated in accordance with BS 476 Part 22: 1987 to FR30 & FR60 (Glass can be supplied as integrity only, or integrity and insulation) • Acoustic tests of non-fire and fire-rated / safety glass in accordance with BS EN ISO 140:3 1995 However, sound transmission is greatest through glazing made with ordinary window glass. We hope that this article has helped you understand how double and triple glazing enhances your home’s acoustic performance. 58 5. PPT Pilkington Optiphon™ is a high quality acoustic laminated glass that offers excellent noise reduction without compromising on light transmittance or impact performance. achieving higher acoustic per-formance in automotive glazing. 28mm The thickest possible single glazed acoustic glass that we can use 41 40. test data should be con-sidered prior to selection of any glazing. National Processing Capabilities . Noise Reduction Solution Charts The STC (Sound Transmission Class) rating is a single-number rating system for interior building partitions and viewing windows used to categorize acoustic performance. The two parameters globally considered as representative of window performance are sound reduction index R and thermal transmittance U w. lysia lpcgddmh gsfat bzbsix nhy cdsl xslfzp ftfey ciza fdgmlo mhdc xblbp fqyj ydffu hnh